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  1. Natasha says:

     Hello Thomas,

    Recently, I came across your book GOLD! I’m reaching out to let you know about our book review services that we started around two years ago. We’re an editorial book review website/ digital magazine. We offer various single review options, series review and reviews for children’s books. Here is one of our review as an example:

    “Book review: Tales from the Aether: Extraordinary Tales of Dark Fiction, Dark Humor and Horror by Matthew C. Woodruff

    An unsettling, powerful collection…


    Award-winning Woodruff’s panache for writing shines in his second collection of short stories with the wildly imagined worlds, powerfully drawn realistic characters, and an unsettling portrayal of various happenings in his protagonists’ lives. Merging the profound emotions of joy, fear, loss, love, foreboding, and incomprehension, Woodruff’s twelve stories are set around particular holidays of the year. “The Alban Eiler” is a story of two women and their adolescent daughters, who despite being born thousands of years apart, share the same fate on Easter. Woodruff’s enlivening imagination runs wild in “My After Life,” a lighthearted story of a person whose life was always mundane, but the afterlife was nothing like he expected. In “Amy’s Valentine,” the protagonist is struggling to move forward after her daughter’s death when a handsome stranger arrives at her door on valentine’s day and reunites her with her daughter. The protagonist’s ‘monumental sorrow’ is the story’s dominant tone, but it changes to ‘chillingly scary’ suddenly with a single scene in the finale. In “The Shadow People,” the protagonist arrives in an isolated Northern Canadian town to attend a wedding unaware of a strange twist of fate awaiting her. “Boxed in by Fate,” is a heartening tale that takes place in a strange universe where life unfolds one fateful box at a time, and a couple receives a pleasant surprise. In “The Color of the Soul,” a police sergeant with the unusual ability of seeing a person’s soul gets a chance to see what his own soul looks like on a Halloween night. “A Christmas Tale,” is an unsettling story in which the protagonist with a strange sense of foreboding when destiny was about to take tragic turn in her life realizes this year’s Christmas season was no different. Some stories are funny with lighter moments (“Lenny the Djinn”), but the major chunk is dark and chillingly unsettling (The Dark New Year, Just Desert). Woodruff’s best skill is examining the depth of the fear in the human mind, and that’s what stays at the heart of the book’s theme. The powerful illustrations perfectly match the collection’s ominous mood, making an immediate impact on readers’ minds. This haunting collection draws on the deepest emotions of love, grief, fear, foreboding, and hope and will stay at readers’ minds long after they finish the book. This is a marvelous collection from a very talented writer.”

    You can check some of our reviews on the link below or just search us (The Prairies Book Review) on web to go to our website.

    To submit your book for a review, here is the link:

    Our reviews are published on our website, goodreads, and digital magazine. We also promote them on FB, instagram, twitter. Please check our book review service to see if you would like to submit your book there. 

    We also offer editorial review with author interviews on our sisterly website BookView Review. Here is the link to an author interview:




    instagram: @theprairiesbookreview


    Twitter: @PrairiesReview

    P.S. Please ignore my message if it seems like an intrusion.

  2. Rachel Small says:

    Dear Thomas,

    I am emailing from the State Library of South Australia. The State Library of SA aims to build a comprehensive collection of published material about South Australia and South Australian people.

    We do not yet hold the following publication:
    Title: Gold! : An Australian Novel.

    As a South Australian author, we should hold a copy of each of your items for preservation in our collection under legal deposit. This legislation provides that one copy of any publication relevant to SA must be provided to the State Library free of charge.
    This can be supplied either in digital form or as a hardcopy.

    Digital publications
    You can deposit electronic publications easily using National edeposit (NED). If you have any queries, please contact us at or 08 8207 7671. (Please note, the helpline is not currently available due to South Australia’s lockdown. I am available via email.)

    Print publications
    You can also deposit print publications. Please forward a hardcopy by mail or in person to:

    Rachel Small
    Legal Deposit
    Published Collections,
    State Library of SA,
    GPO Box 419,
    Adelaide SA 5001

    Thank you for your support. This collection benefits our community and future generations.
    Yours sincerely,

    Rachel Small
    Published Collections Librarian
    State Library of South Australia
    North Terrace Adelaide SA 5000 | GPO Box 419 Adelaide SA 5001
    P: +61 8 8207 7262 | F: +61 8 8207 7307 |

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